Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Personal Relationships

When asked, "Would you say you have a personal relationship with any non-Christian bloggers?" 29% (33/115) of those surveyed said yes, they do. About half of those (14% of all surveyed) stated that these were internet-based relationships, and 15% stated that these were bloggers whom they know outside of blogging.

One respondent, who was of the 71% who did not have a personal relationship with any non-Christian bloggers stated it bluntly that no, they did not have any such relationships because "I haven't been able to build a relationship with a non-Christian blogger but that's because I don't leave comments on non-Christian blogs nor do they on mine." Two respondents specifically stated they would love to build relationships with non-Christian bloggers.

Not many responded with the enthusiasm of this blogger: "Definitely. There are lots of non-Christian bloggers I talk to on a regular basis with and are friendly with."


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