Thursday, February 24, 2005


Benediction Blogs On continues to post many interesting observations on blogging, the blogosphere, God blogging, and internet information. Some interesting info includes:

The State of Blogging in the States cites a Pew Research study on blogging which notes:
6 million Americans (5% of online Americans) get their news via RSS aggregators
8 million Americans (7%) have blogs of their own
14 million American (12%) have commented on other people’s blogs
32 million Americans (27%) read blogs regularly
74 million of Americans (62%) don’t know what a blog is
Bene asks about women bloggers... where are they in the god blogging realm and how can we interest them?

God -blog Demographics 2005 Part 1 takes a look at some god-blog Aggregators and Lists. Just looking at it briefly reflects the lack of a larger or more unified Christian or God blogging portal. It's been interesting to read about developments in this field these past few months around the blogosphere.

But do we need a larger more unifed Christian blogging or God blog portal?

Teens and webpages points readers to Church Marketing Sucks' post on Designing Web Sites For Teens.


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