Thursday, April 28, 2005

How Many Blogs Are There? asks the questions "How big is the blogosphere?" and "What is its shape, color, true nature?". Blogcount uses a variety of sources and "catalogs efforts to answer these questions."

Recent posts on Blogcount point out the following study results:

Blogging Maintstream in the US

- In the USA, 30% of those surveyed read blogs.
- Of those surveyed, s minority, with 39%, said that they found blogs less credible than newspaper articles. An additional 32% said they either did not know or had no opinion.

MSN Spaces Creates Huge Growth in Blog Numbers

- Microsoft announced more than 4.5 million spaces (their term for weblogs) have been created. That's 3 million added in approximately 90 days, since 11 January 2005.
- Users are updating about 170,000 blogs on MSN Spaces every day and uploading about 1.9 million photos a day.

France's Blogging Community Grows

- 2.6 percent of France's population are the 1.6 million who house blogs on Skyblog... a blogging service run by rock music station SkyRock.

Technorati Trackings Shows Huge Growth in Blogging

- The number of blogs Technorati tracks doubled every 5 months for the 20 months preceeding March 2005.
- Technorati discovers 30-40 thousand blogs daily.

Blog Readers Survey Shows Blogreading Demographics Changing

A survey of readers of blogs which carry BlogAd advertising found the following:
- 75% of blog readers are over 30 years old (up 16%)
- One reader in five is a blogger
- 75% are men (down 4%)
- Half found blogs their most useful source of news and opinion
- 28% use RSS to read blogs

Please go to Blogcount to read more on these posts and others.


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